Beef up digital engagement and create winners

Use gamification in finance to reward employees, investors and clients via small, incremental and easily achievable missions and goals.

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Drive motivation in financial services

Low interest rates and regulatory issues make it difficult to promote growth and sustainable profitability. The financial crisis has introduced risk management reforms and regulations which must be incorporated into your daily processes. Aggressive competitors coupled with high rates of innovation make your customers more demanding.

It is more important than ever that you increase the business value of your customer relationships. You can’t expect your employees or customers to become engaged if there is no clear and decisive message for them to embrace. You need to fundamentally roll out strategies for guidance. Focusing on positive reinforcement and constant support, measuring quality and quantity of results.

How financial services can benefit

  • Broaden awareness of new products and services

  • Gather data insights 

  • Simplify the perception of complex banking products

  • Instill saving habits and foster a money-saving mindset

  • Boost deposits and investings

  • Accelarate onbording process

  • Reduce operational/processing costs

  • Improve quality of existing software

  • Increase performance in call centers, crm, sales team, or any other sector of your company

  • Migrate more customers online

  • Improve financial education among clients

  • Strengthen customer loyalty

 Gamification examples in financial services

Increase in-depth product knowledge 

With new products constantly going to market, it’s important that employees remain informed and up to date. Transform online tutorials and dull lectures into interactive and engaging training tools. Ensure your employees are completing their required training and staying compliant.

Training employees

Challenge your employees and a give them a reason to learn. Customise the course rewards and create interactive progressions to help them discover valuable training. Allow employees to track their progress and managers to oversee it.

Ensure regulatory compliance

Offer an interactive training method that reinforces policies, maintaining compliance and adherence to industry standards. Reward your employees for sticking to policies, regularly refreshing their knowledge and being compliant.

Improving quality of customer contact in call centers

Increase customer satisfaction and first call resolutions. Inspire employees to achieve goals by recognising them for their efforts. Measure their results to reduce absenteeism, average hold time, average abandonment rate, customer satisfaction ratings and agent turn-over.

Simplify employee onboarding

Get the best out of new hires. Train employees in branding, corporate values, product portfolio, risk mitigation, safety and compliance. Align rewards and incentives around skill development, job responsibilities and information retention.

Financial education & saving programs

Create an environment that helps your clients increase financial literacy in areas like saving, investing or planning for retirement. Promote a product engagement strategy that rewards smart decisions and helps clients achieve their goals.

Take Your Team’s Performance to the Next Level

Accelerate innovation and transform the work space into a more productive and less tedious environment. Encourage a sense of accomplishment, stimulate the right actions, generate efficiency and productivity. See how the Mambo Gamification Platform is helping companies get better results, and how you can use gamification software in your company.

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We would be delighted to take you through our gamification platform and answer any questions you might have.

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