Increase user engagement in apps

Make your own rules of engagement with custom app gamification, integrate Mambo to get better results using:

  • Rewards for an efficient onboarding
  • Redeemable points and coupons
  • Analytics and behaviour tracking system
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Engage new users and re-engage the existing ones with an exciting app

Engage new users and re-engage the existing ones with an exciting app

Integrate Mambo’s gamification APIs to encourage specific behaviours, to build referral loops and keep your users coming back.

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Create a memorable digital experience with custom app gamification

Create a memorable digital experience with custom app gamification

Increase user engagement and keep up your app retention rates

Gamification to increase app engagement


of the best-performing online communities used some gamification elements and mechanic.


of users are more keen to purchase from a company that offers personalized experiences.

Keep onboarding your users as long as your app evolves

Keep onboarding your users as long as your app evolves

custom app onboarding

Make users progress in their education about features and benefits of your app with:

  • Personalized avatars
  • In-app rewards
  • Progress bars
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Generate revenue with a custom gamified app

Generate revenue with a custom gamified app

Gamification is not just for the onboarding stage of the app user. Gamification is also used for monetization stage with:

  • Loyalty programs
  • Reward ads
  • Sales of virtual currency
  • Game elements to increase completition rates
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 Top gamification benefits for user in app engagement

Use an enterprise gamification platform as your engagement solution. Manage all your game mechanics in one place and get insights on user interactions.

Allow app users to become better, smarter and more capable through proper on-boarding. Offer more information, recognition and rewards.

Get an engaging and fun app — where leaderboard, points, rewards and more can be securely accessed any time from any device.

Adapting your engagement strategy is painless when using real-time performance measurements and tracking user behaviours and patterns

Go viral by rewarding users for sharing and spreading the word. Give awards for sharing rewards, challenging one another, or working together to achieve goals.

Create a great community! Give status with badges for posting and consuming information, interacting with the community and engaging with others.

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We would be delighted to take you through our gamification platform and answer any questions you might have.

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Join us for a live demo

We would be delighted to take you through our gamification platform and answer any questions you might have.

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Learn more about how Gamification can help you

gamification cost: build or buy a platform?

Gamification Software: Build or Buy?

Successful gamification examples

130 Real-Life Gamification Examples

Gamification elements and mechanics

108 Gamification Elements and Mechanics to Encourage Engagement