Foster government interactions
Encourage citizens to participate in activities with social value, interact and engage with government services and initiatives. Improve people’s relationship with your government and deliver public services efficiently.
Developing a public-sector initiative using gamification promotes civic engagement in activities. Allow residents to understand legislation, the recycling system or complex public online services. Get them to participate in community improvement projects. Generate a positive community and reward the best behaviours.
The benefits of gamification in government

Gamification examples in government
Facilitate community building and civic engagement
Empower people to take actions that benefit society. Allow citizens to share information, express opinions and disseminate positive civic and social actions. Identify your top contributors and reward their positive actions.
Increase civil awareness of issues and dangers
Help citizens learn more about the issues and challenges faced by your administration, security & protection, environmental agencies, etc. Keep citizens well informed and reward them for contributing.
Improve public servants performance
When you give a goal, you give a purpose. Design performance objectives that keep your citizens interests at heart. Reward positive behaviours and give constructive feedback where improvements can be made.
Encourage citizens to adopt healthier and safer behaviours
Allow people to be part of a good cause. Build a campaign to educate citizens about exercise, obesity, chronic diseases, safer driving, etc. Reduce the burden on your health services and make citizens feel good.
Offer quality eGovernment services
Customization and personalization of eServices positively affects people’s satisfaction and also result in better behaviour. Give badges to show how much time and paper they have saved by completing government transactions digitally.
Promote sustainability
When you protect and care for the environment, the quality of life also improves. Promote a recycling campaign. Reward residents who dispose of waste correctly. Offer them government benefits in return.