Make sales scalable, repeatable and predictable

Mambo’s sales gamification platform helps to increase the percentage of reps hitting their goals with:

  • Real time performance management
  • Healthy competitions
  • Rewards program
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Transparently show reps their performance versus the company’s expectations

Transparently show reps their performance versus the company’s expectations

Get predictable levels of output from your sales teams

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Recognise achievements and reinforce positive behaviours as they happen

Recognise achievements and reinforce positive behaviours as they happen

Increase the average deal size, conversion rate and overall revenue of your company

Sales gamification platform to drive performance

Sales gamification platform to drive performance

Allow your sales team to get a real-time perspective on daily goals and help managers to track crucial sales KPIs. Reward individually or collectively for increased sales growth, sales target completion, lead conversion rates, sell-through rates or average purchase value.

Allow your sales team to get a real-time perspective on daily goals and help managers to track crucial sales KPIs. Reward individually or colletive for increasing sales growth, sales target, lead conversion rate, sell-through rate or average purchase value.

Up to 45%

increase in sales metrics


increase in company productivity

Sales gamification platform to boost onboarding and training 

Sales gamification platform to boost onboarding and training 

Create engaging training programs that boost problem-solving and negotiation skills. Provide sales teams with a dynamic:

  • On-boarding process
  • Continuous sales training
  • Product training
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Create a personalised experience and build a high engagement culture

Create a personalised experience and build a high engagement culture

Make your own levels, leaderboards, competitions and rewards based on an advanced points-system to engage your:

  • Account executives
  • Sales development reps
  • Sales specialists
  • Customer success reps
  • Sales managers
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 Top gamification benefits for sales motivation and performance

 Top gamification benefits for sales motivation and performance

Deploy a custom gamification strategy for managers, sellers and customers — where leaderboads, KPI’s and more can be securely accessed and managed from any device.

Smoothly on-board new sales reps, using continuous training and positive reinforcement. Ensure prompt adherence to sales processes and quality.

Increase literacy in services offered and allow full product knowledge. A well-trained representative that has mastered how to communicate features and benefits to customers is crucial to ROI.

With a real-time system to track and report the progress of sales activities, providing visibility into your sales process is seamless. Ensure deals never fall through the cracks.

Transform casual visitors into loyal customers. Develop a custom loyalty program based on an achievement based reward system and drive repeat sales.

Enhance existing sales processes by adding competition and recognition to improve the morale and motivation of your sales representatives. Get some friendly team competitions off the ground.

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We would be delighted to take you through our gamification platform and answer any questions you might have.

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Join us for a live demo

We would be delighted to take you through our gamification platform and answer any questions you might have.

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Learn more about how gamification can help you

Motivating Revenue-Generating Habits in Sales Teams with Gamification

Actionable Gamification Steps for Upskilling and Reskilling Workforces

Gamification elements and mechanics

108 Gamification Elements and Mechanics to Encourage Engagement