Lift performance and monitor progress

Utilize gamification in healthcare to increase participation rates and user’s engagement on company sites, pre-existing platforms or apps.

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Drive motivation in healthcare

Delivering quality services with well trained healthcare workers. Complying with government requirements and mandates. Enabling consumers to make more informed healthcare choices. Educating patients and the general population about chronic diseases. Promoting a healthy lifestyle. These are just some of the challenges that the healthcare industry faces today.

Provide educational training programs and create a sticky learning experience using gamification. Create a situation where the patients can thrive. Keep them informed about their objectives and the various steps that they need to complete to reach it. Generate motivational and cognitive benefits.

Focus on positive reinforcement and constant support, measuring quality and quantity of results.

The benefits of gamification in healthcare for companies and individuals

  • Help people maintain lasting and healthy habits

  • Measure health parameters and vital signs for a period of time

  • Track patient symptoms

  • Track periodic performance updates of healthcare workers

  • Increase performance in call centers, crm, sales team, or any  other sector of your company

  • Broaden awareness of new products and services

  • Improve quality of existing software

  • Accelarate onbording process

  • Better response to audits, regulatory
    & compliance tasks

Gamification examples in healthcare

Leverage the performance in contact center

Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as: first call resolution, number of dials, total talk time and average after call work time. Measure agent’s results to reduce absenteeism, average hold time, abandonment rate, and agent turn-over.

Increase customer satisfaction and quality care

Engaged healthcare workers increase levels of customer satisfaction. Break down what you want workers to achieve into tasks. Set tangible accomplishments and allow workers to track their progress and record results.

Apply non-stop motivation to learning

Create exciting, educational, and entertaining eLearning courses. Hold learner’s attention and motivation for longer. Enable effective absorption of information and commitment to the long-term memory. Turn learners into active participants.

Entice discipline in patients

Send reminders and rewards to patients who follow their medicine prescriptions. Use points every time they take their medication. If they stay on schedule, then reward them with badges, discounts in shops or money donations to charities.

Have a positive impact on a patient’s health

Measure health parameters and vital signs for a period of time. Teach patients about their chronic disease. Make them receive ongoing feedback, reminders and status updates about their progress in caring for their own health.

Support healthy lifestyles

Motivation is a key component in changing behaviour. Engage people by allowing them to be part of an active community of their peers. Offer rewards for achievements. Allow people to visualise their progress and notify them when they hit their milestones.

Take Your Team’s Performance to the Next Level

Accelerate innovation and transform the work space into a more productive and less tedious environment. Encourage a sense of accomplishment, stimulate the right actions, generate efficiency and productivity. See how the Mambo Gamification Software is helping companies get better results, and how you can use gamification at your company.

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