April 16, 2024

How Gamified Websites Are Engaging Their Audience

.tatsu-ryMsdsn_gA.tatsu-text-block-wrap .tatsu-text-inner{width: 100%;text-align: left;}.tatsu-ryMsdsn_gA.tatsu-text-block-wrap{margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;} Forget fancy bells and whistles – gamification is about tapping into that deep-down desire to win and using it to make your product amazing! Think progress bars, rewards, and even a touch of healthy competition. Done right, gamification makes routine interactions feel exciting, boosting engagement and fostering loyalty. Want to see it in action? Explore successful gamified websites and learn how the best examples drive user behaviour. 
May 16, 2023

Gamification Marketing: Using Game Elements To Motivate Customers

.tatsu-rJMksy-nE3.tatsu-text-block-wrap .tatsu-text-inner{width: 100%;text-align: left;} “Gamification marketing” is one of those terms that has been bandied around in recent years. It’s not hard to see why. Used properly, gamification marketing can be a powerful tool to tap into customers’ motivations and create immersive experiences that keep them coming back.  Top brands, including Nike, Starbucks, and McDonald’s, have already taken advantage of this concept with amazing results.  But what is gamification about? More importantly, how can you
May 15, 2023

Gamification Training: Why Gamify Your Corporate Training

.tatsu-hdza1ac8a3eb558o.tatsu-text-block-wrap .tatsu-text-inner{width: 100%;text-align: left;} Gamification training incorporates competitive game-based elements into training programs to establish a fun and engaging learning environment while increasing learning engagement. Businesses must understand that they must approach engagement differently, like by gamifying their corporate training. Today, employees expect more. Thus, corporate training has evolved significantly from the snooze-worthy seminars and training meetings of the past to fun, interactive learning.  In this article, we’ll discuss how gamification training is important in
December 23, 2022

The Most Successful Loyalty Program Examples to Learn From

.tatsu-rJQTl17Ki.tatsu-text-block-wrap .tatsu-text-inner{width: 100%;text-align: left;} We’ve all heard that it costs 5x more to get a new customer than keep an old one. That’s true! So, as a result, programs to boost loyalty are part of our everyday lives. If you were asked about some of your favourite brands, you’d immediately think of a few names. That’s likely because they’ve demonstrated their value through the quality and appreciation they show to their loyal customers. For all
September 14, 2022

Why Your Reward System For Employees Can Fail Badly

.tatsu-BkMRVWCeo.tatsu-text-block-wrap .tatsu-text-inner{width: 100%;text-align: left;} What can go wrong with your employee incentive program? After so much time, effort, and money invested into building a reward program to motivate employees or customers; it’s hard to think that in the end it can be demotivating or drive bad behaviours. But your reward system for employees can fail and create toxic competition, favouritism, increased costs or even cheating. What mistakes do you need to avoid when implementing a
March 18, 2022

10 of the Best Employee Engagement Statistics for 2022

.tatsu-S1J-7MGzc.tatsu-text-block-wrap .tatsu-text-inner{width: 100%;text-align: left;} For each manager and each kind of business, there will be different crucial statistics that impact decision making. In manufacturing, this might be delivery times, inventory turns and cost per unit. In sales, this might be the total revenue, win rate and lifetime value of a customer. In the same way, for call centers this might be average call abandonment rate, average handle time and service level. But wherever you’re based,